Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Tuesday 1st November 2011

Well for once I took my own advice!  As I mentioned in yesterday's blog my right calf is really sore. It's not really the calf it's the muscle on the outside of my lower calf.  I just looked at an interactive muscle map (gross!!!) and I think it's called the Peronius Brevis.  Which sounds oddly like a spell they'd teach you at Hogwarts.  Anyway, spell or muscle, mine hurts when I walk.  So I figured it would hurt more when I run; and seeing as an injury would be catastrophic to my already recklessly short training programme I decided not to run today.  Instead I got up early as per normal and was at the gym for 6:30am for some pool time.  It was lovely and quiet and I did 60 lengths without  once having to weave around anyone.  I guess this is how the other half live.

Sadly the sauna was broken but the steam room was working so I did a ten minute stint in there that was enlived when I found a mystery button under my seat.  Being a curious type I pressed it and four jets of burning hot dry air blasted down onto me from the ceiling.  I hadn't even noticed the vents before!!  It was ace!  I spent the last few minutes experimenting to find which part of my body hurt the most when blasted with fire.  If you're interested, it was my face.

The rest of the day was taken up with travelling back to Hannover and an evening out with colleagues. I did manage to grab 15 minutes in the sauna in the hotel.  German saunas are different to British ones; and once again I was the only person in their who didn't feel it necessary to wave my penis around for all to see!

Weight: 81.2 Kg

Distance 0 miles
Time  0:00:00
Kcal  0
Elevation 0 ft
Press-ups 0
Swimming 1500 m
Sauna  25 mins

Distance 51.36 miles
Time  9:05:40
Kcal  4916
Elevation 2205 ft
Press-ups 70
Swimming 3500 m
Sauna  55 mins


Despite the swimming my neck and shoulder are feeling much better. 
Lower right leg is the thing that's giving me the most gip! Damn you
weak Petronus Brevis!!


Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far.  My current total
is £170 on the Virgin Money Giving site.  My Adsense revenue is
£23.51 now - outstanding!!  Please keep clicking on the ads because
every click helps raise more money for Mencap.


Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on
myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell
over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing
charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a
normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the
rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help
make someone's life better.

Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

1 comment:

  1. i think you will find miff it's there & not their.....sorry bro :-)
