Sunday, 27 November 2011

Saturday 26th November 2011

I am writing this on Sunday 27th November and I heard the tragic news about Gary Speed an hour or so ago.  To be honest my running stories seem rather unimportant right now.  I think that when something like this happens it makes all our troubles and our fears seem somehow more trivial.  Like everyone in Wales and beyond my thoughts are with his family and his friends.  May he rest in peace.

I will write down the story of my day yesterday, and later I'll write the story of today.  My heart isn't in writing it and I doubt anyone's heart will be in reading it either but when I reach my goal I want to be able to look back and see what it took; and so in that spirit I will write.

I started the day with an 8 mile stretch.  Down the hill again to Tallarn Green (and a little further than the last time) and then back up it.  It's a nice lane to run on although I wish I could run uphill first and then finish down.  To be honest I was a little worried about choosing the route because it's the one where I felt my hamstrings tighten last week.  But I got through it easy enough and felt far better for having perservered.

As soon as I was showered it was off to Wrexham to do my collection in the town centre.  I was actually a little nervous about it.  It's quite daunting to stand there in the middle of town ratting a tin of money.  But I soon got used to it and enjoyed the generosity and warmth of so many people.  It was a pleasure to talk to everyone who stopped by and I was moved at the trouble some people would go to making sure they had something to put in the tin.  All told I stood there for about four and a half hours and I think that in that time I made about £70.  I say "think" because I haven't actually opened the tin yet.  I need to get an accountant to verify the amount and I don't know if I have to have one there when I count it or just have one that knows me well enough to know I'm not the type of person to pinch any of it!  The tubs feel pretty heavy and I saw a lot of pound coins go in!

Many thanks to Kirsty for standing at the top of town while I did the bottom and many thanks to Alex for fetching the coffees without complain dispite having his request for a new book declined by the authorities (me!).

So, that was yesterday.  I'm now about to head out for an 18 miler that I'm not looking forward to on account of a slight hangover that I'm nursing today!  I'll write today's story later tonight when I get the chance.

Peace, out!

Weight: 81.1 Kg

Distance 8.09 miles
Time  1:22:33
Kcal  956
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 178.91 miles
Time  31:40:06
Kcal  18583
Press-ups 380
Swimming 8000 m
Sauna  2:10 mins

The fund is at £356 now (thanks Shaggy!) not including the money taken yesterday.  I hope to count it tonight so tomorrow should look a lot healthier!

If you haven't already donated then take a look at and help the wonderful work of MENCAP.  Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored already. I respect and love you all!!!

Feel free to contact me with any fundraising ideas you have.  You
can email me at:


Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

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