Thursday, 3 November 2011

Thursday 3rd November 2011

No training today.  It's not that I'm doing anything so sensible as deliberately resting my tired joints and muscles.  Instead this is an enforced day off because of work.  I am working all day and travelling all evening and won't be home until nearly 1am so no chance to do anything.  It's making me a little grumpy!

Anyway, I figured that today in my blog I'd tell you about a book I read to get me in the mood for the MDS.  It's called "Carved by God, Cursed by the Devil" by a guy called Ted Archer.  If you're interested check it out in the widget box that should appear next to this page (if I can work out how to paste HTML into here).

The book is basically a diary of one guy's experience running the MDS.  The author is a pretty good runner and finished 16th overall (damn... I've given away the ending... like when I told someone that in the Sixth Sense the twist is that... no wait... I won't make that mistake again!).  So his experience of the race will be different from mine!  Nonetheless it's a fascinating insight into some of the challenges I'll face.  Both physical AND mental.  His description of the delirium after the long stage was very well written and gave a real sense of the confusion and mental fog that descended on him. 

Also the oddly anti-climactic finish where he and many other runners were simply too drained to feel any happiness or relief that the event was over.  All told it seemed a very honest description.

As ever thank you to everyone who's clicked the ads on here.  It's adding up nicely now and every penny of the Ad revenue goes to Mencap so you're helping a lot with every click :)

Weight: 81.2 Kg

Distance 0 miles
Time  0:00:00
Kcal  0
Elevation 0 ft
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 62.58 miles
Time  11:02:58
Kcal  6201
Elevation 2205 ft
Press-ups 80
Swimming 3500 m
Sauna  55 mins

I'm exhausted and my left leg hurts everywhere below the knee.  Other than that I'm great!!!


Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far.  My current total is £190 on the Virgin Money Giving site and my Adsense revenue is now a wonderful £39.84 - THANK YOU!!!!  Please keep clicking on the ads and supporting the sponsors because every click helps raise more money for Mencap.


Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

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