Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Tuesday 15th November 2011

Blimey - what a day.  I'm shattered!  But not really because of MDS training.  More because of modern life and all it's little stresses and strains!  But those are stories from another blog.  Maybe I'll start something like

On the training front; up at 6am and out of the door just before 7am for a 7 mile run.  I felt fantastic first leaving but developed a bad stomach after a mile or so that didn't fade.  In fact I felt poorly all the way around.  But my HR stayed low while my pace was OK (just over 10 mpm) and almost no leg pain.  Although I have developed my first blister!  I'm almost pleased :)

And in other developments I am now the proud owner of a Kirsty Gallagher Manual Treadmill!  Thank you eBay!! It's quite swish and folds up nice and small (thank goodness - because my flat is tiny!).  I intend to take it to events and the like and run on it while collecting money from curious passers by.  It's a feminine little thing so it might need a bit of customising before I can be seen in public on it.  ;)

On the subject of collections I put in my application for a street collection licence for Wrexham Town Centre on Saturday 26th November.  If you are in town on that day come and say "hi" (and put a pound in the tub!)

Also this evening I sent off the first emails to businesses.  I started with all the accountants in Wrexham.  Who would have thought there would be so many of them!! Hopefully one or two generous souls will come to the blog and then maybe on to the donations site.  If there are any accountants reading who got my email then - welcome!!

Peace, out!

Weight: 81.1 Kg

Distance 7.05 miles
Time  1:12:18
Kcal  771
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 145.74 miles
Time  25:46:12
Kcal  15493
Press-ups 320
Swimming 8000 m
Sauna  2:10 mins

I have a blister!  It's on my middle toe on my left foot.  It's not too painful but I will need to be careful not to make it deeper.  Mostly I have suffered with a bad stomach that hasn't settled all day.  Oddly enough a bad stomach and a raging hunger.  I've probably eaten twice as many calories as on a normal day. I even ate tomorrow's lunch just before writing this.  Eating at 1am is not healthy.  But on the bright side it means I should have some energy at 5am when I get up for my run.

My sponsorship is still at £331 on  Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored!! 
Feel free to contact me with any fundraising ideas you have.  You can email me at:


Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

1 comment:

  1. miff you are completely nuts.... what's wrong with being 41, and having a nice glass of wine of an evening ... i have made a donation, and will watch your gradual decline with interest
    all the best to you and kirst

