Thursday, 17 November 2011

Thursday 17th November 2011

It's fair to say my motivation was low today.  I abandoned any thought of going out this morning before I even went to bed last night!  And any chance of sneaking out for an early one were scuppered by that little thing called work. Oh well, it pays the bills.  Or some of them at least.  I finally decided about 17:00 to go out but I think it was a good 30 minutes before I actually went out of the front door.

In the end it was a good run.  I set about a target of keeping my HR below 140 bpm no matter how slowly I had to go.  Well, it turns out I have to go pretty darned slow!  I tried a new route.  Not out of curiousity or any noble desire for discovery.  Simply because I couldn't think of a route that didn't go past anything spooky in the dark!  As it turns out the new route was pretty cool to run but with one BIG flaw.  I ran 3.5 miles out and then turned back.  Of the 3.5 miles out I reckon about 2.5 of them were down hill.  So, easy run, HR low all the way DOWN.... then I turn!  HR through the roof, legs knackered, up-hill all the way.  I pulled a muscle in left thigh and got a stabbing pain in left hamstring - but that's all you'll hear about that because having watched Children in Need tonight and seen how brave some of those kids are I have decided to retire the "Charity Hurts" section, grow a pair, and stop moaning instead.

It's a beautiful evening out there.  Clear skies with stars and one planet shining really brightly (no idea which one - I tried to look it up then Jessie J came on the TV and suddenly I lost interest in astronomy).

On the fundraising front I got some good news.  The lady emailed back from the Community Times saying they would feature me in the next issue.  So now I just have to write some text for them.  Which is what I'll do next.  Less positive is that I didn't get a single reply or sponsorship from my emails to the accountants!  I'll keep trying though.  Not sure what kind of business I'll look at next but I'll go on and play for a while.  If you work anywhere that gets one of these emails do reply and say "hi" and put in a good word for me!

It feels good now to say that I'm taking a short break from the training for a weekend.  I've got a couple of big nights out coming up and I'm not going to try to run when I'm hungover.  So from here on my lazy chair I can say that I won't be putting my trainers on for 72 hours!!! 

Peace, out!

Weight: 81.1 Kg
Distance 7.00 miles
Time  1:14:39
Kcal  779
Press-ups 40
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 159.56 miles
Time  28:28:42
Kcal  16246
Press-ups 380
Swimming 8000 m
Sauna  2:10 mins

I just saw a little boy on Children in Need who lost his arms and his legs to septicemia after having caught meningitis.  You know what?  Suddenly nothing hurts. What a brave little boy.

My sponsorship is up to £336 (thanks Jo!) on  Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored!! 

Feel free to contact me with any fundraising ideas you have.  You can email me at:


Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

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