Friday, 4 November 2011

Friday 4th November 2011

Back to it - yay! Today was a bit of an endurance challenge in itself. I got home from Germany at 1am and it was about 2am before I was able to switch off and fall to sleep. I greeted the alarm at 6am with easily contained joy. In fact I momentarily changed my mind about the whole thing and decided I'd rather not do the MDS after all. That lasted for five blissful minutes of "snooze"; then the alarm went off again and my mojo had returned. I was in the gym coffee shop for 7:45 to prepare for an 8am meeting then it was time for my official gym induction.

All the eqiupment there is highly swish but obviously it's not appropriate to look impressed (or even happy) in any gym so I concentrated instead on moody looks, knowing nods of the head and, of course, flexing my calf muscles (the only muscular definition I have - you should see them, they're lush).

The induction didn't take long then I was left to hammer out a quick 5K on the treadmill. It was a good little stretch actually, set at an incline of 2% to simulate wind resistance. Can that really work? I read it in a magazine once but it seems implausible because I barely noticed the incline but I certainly notice the wind.

Anyway after that I destroyed my credibility by doing some core works on a giant blue space hopper. Mark (the trainer) made it look so easy! I made it look like an out take from Mr Bean.

And finally, office work done for the day I prepared for an evening runout. On with the chemicals: Ibuprofen Gel; Vicks; Deep Heat; and Vaseline. A note for anyone who might follow. Given the delicate areas that you need to rub the vaseline into you should never, REPEAT NEVER, get Deep Heat on your fingers before doing it. Burn?!?? I swear I'd have been visible from space in the infra red.

Once that fire was out I put in a cool 6.4 miles in the dark. I pretty much enjoyed every single second of it! No scary stasis horses this time but I did get buzzed by a bat! It flew so close to my face I thought it was going to go in my mouth (that would have been totally Ozzy!!!). It flew around me a couple of times checking me out but then flew off. Or disappeared back into whatever parallel universe they apparate out of each evening.

After the run I iced my legs in the bath for a while then turned the hot tap on and chilled with a coffee in there for a while. Lovely! I'm getting used to the iced baths. No trauma, just frozen limbs!

Weight: 81.2 Kg

Distance 9.53 miles
Time 1:37:59
Kcal 1043
Elevation 279 ft
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna 0 mins

Distance 72.11 miles
Time 12:40:57
Kcal 7244
Elevation 2484 ft
Press-ups 80
Swimming 3500 m
Sauna 55 mins


I'm like a walking health lottery. Lower legs are fine today but my left hip hurts! I wonder what's next? My ears?


Thank you to everyone who has sponsored me so far. My current total is £256 on the Virgin Money Giving site and my Adsense revenue is now an amazing £61.12 - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!

Please keep clicking on the ads and supporting the sponsors because every click helps raise more money for Mencap.

Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better. Thank you. You really ARE awesome.

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