Friday, 27 January 2012

Thur 26th Jan '12 - Four miles under starry skies

Total so far: £720.53
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Just four miles on the plan tonight as I am supposed to taper for big mileage at the weekend.  When I say 'supposed' to taper I mean I 'am' tapering.  When I say 'big mileage' at the weekend I mean 'some mileage' at the weekend.  Honestly, not laziness.  Just lots more pain. This is new pain with a subtle twist. Same muscle, different leg. Now I feel pain in exactly the same spot on my left leg that I've had on my right leg.  My right is also quite painful tonight.  So I haven't yet finally decided on my training for the weekend. I have some ideas; running to Wrexham to start my collection (I probably will do this because I like the poetry of it); running up and down Moel Famau near Mold to get used to the hills.  I'm not sure yet.  I will decide at bed time on Friday night.

So on to tonight's run. As the mileage was low I figured I'd compensate by piling another 2 litres of water in my pack, taking the weight up to 12.5 Kg. It sounds such a small number but by 'eck it takes some carrying when you're running up and down the lanes.  Right from the outset I could feel a huge difference in my form and a far greater sense of impact on  my feet.  I expect to start the MdS with around 10 or 11 Kg in my pack and so if I train with 12.5 Kg then I should be better adapted.  But of course, that is easier to say than to do.  Especially when I want to stay injury free from here on in.  An injury now would be a massive blow and that loss of form and heavy impact makes injury more likely.

It was a beautiful night to be running.  Cold for sure, but clear and crisp with a beautiful starry sky.  I ran first in a North West direction and scanned the horizon for any sign of the Northern Lights but saw none.  If it was there it was probably somewhere behind the orange glow of the industrial estate on the horizon.  But I enjoyed looking for it and saw a wonderful fizzy shooting star heading out of the east and burning so briefly northwards.  I made a wish - yes, same one as always. After a good, downhill, two miles I turned and headed back up the hill facing vaguely South East.  Running at Orion's belt and the bright beacon of Sirius.

On the fundraising front, I was delighted with a great write up in the Whitchurch Herald and saw a reasonable spike in hits to the blog.  One new sponsorship (thanks Claire!).  I have a meeting with Tesco in Ellesmere this morning to see if they can help me and then tomorrow is 'Collection Day' in Wrexham once more.  Please call in and see me if you're in the area.

Thanks for reading folks! Peace, out.

Weight: 78.9 Kg

Distance 4.12 miles
Time  0:46:30 hrs
X-Trainer 0 hrs
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 391.52 miles
Time  72:58:22
X-Trainer 17:41 hrs
Press-ups 620
Swimming 13,000 m
Sauna  7:15 hrs

Contact me:
Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability. Most are treated as ‘different’ however with the right support people with a learning disability can have access to education, jobs and an independent place to live. Mencap works with people with a learning disability to help them live the lives they want.

Be cool and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

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