Sunday, 8 January 2012

Sunday 8th January 2012 - Leafleting

Today was leafleting day. I hadn't been too sure where to start really. A part of me was a little nervous of doing it in the area where I'm from because it felt a little awkward dropping leaflets introducing myself to people that I'd known my whole life.  So even as I went to bed last night I was planning to go to an area where I know no one.  However when I woke up I realised that I would get more sponsorship from people who knew me than I would from strangers and it would be crazy to focus on areas where I would get less sponsorship.  And also I knew that once I had done the areas where everyone knows me then I wouldn't be nearly as nervous when it came to leafleting in areas where I don't know anyone.

So it was that I set out this morning and started in Penley.  I was blessed with a very able assistant, my eight year old daughter Grace.  She was a little star and took to leafleting like a duck to water.  However her participation has slightly limited my blogging options.  I had intended to elicit sympathy and admiration by writing about how tough leafleting is and how much physical effort I put in.  But I can't now because Grace stayed with me almost the whole day and her legs are much shorter.  I guess that pro-rata she probably covered nearly double the distance that I did!

I think we dropped around 1,000 leaflets and a look at my Just Giving page tonight shows that it has generated some new, and very welcome, sponsorship.  I also got some donations into my tin.  Leafleting is quite tough work but it's more than compensated for by the lovely folks you meet. We found many friendly and lovely people and I really enjoyed chatting to all of them.

It's a rest day tomorrow but I might do a couple more hours of leaflet dropping if I get a chance.  Then it's back to the elliptical on Tuesday and also on to a 'media watch' to see when they use my piece in the Evening Leader. I forgot to mention in the blog that I got my photo taken on Friday.  Fingers crossed that the pictures are OK.  To be honest I'm not the most photogenic person in the world so part of me is dreading it!  But hopefully it will generate some more interest and thus some more sponsorship.

Weight: 79.6 Kg

Distance 12.13 miles
Time  5:10:28
Elliptical 0 hrs
Kcal  0
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 327.41 miles
Time  60:01:06
Elliptical 11:06 hrs
Kcal  34,388
Press-ups 500
Swimming 10,750 m
Sauna  5:50 mins

The fund is at £521.53.
Text "MIFF70 £5" to 70070
or just click on the "Donate Now" link on the sidebar.
Feel free to contact me with any fundraising ideas you have.  You can email me at:

Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.
Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

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