Thursday, 26 January 2012

Tuesday 24th January 2012 - 10 miles treadmill

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So, after two days of rest following my failed attempt at the Anglesey Ultra I got back onto my feet for a treadmill session.  Not much to say about it really.  It was on a treadmill so the pace was quite consistent.  As was the view.  Actually if I turned my head to the right I could watch TV.  Which I did.  Until they showed open heart surgery on Casualty and I decided I'd rather watch the wall.

I had a lot of pain in my legs and a lot of fatigue.  I could probably have done with at least one extra rest day but rest is a luxury I won't have in the desert so I guess it was a reasonable thing not to rest any more now.  I was pretty pleased actually to have been able to do the ten miles without breaking down.  The pace was definitely slower than I'd have liked but it's not about pace for me.  It's all about relentless forward motion and I did show that.

I didn't really talk much about injuries in my post about Saturday so I'll mention the state of play here.  The site of my torn muscle survived the ordeal pretty well and is still holding up OK.  It hurts when I poke it but there's a pretty simple solution to that.  Don't poke it.  I don't think it's a problem because my shoulder still hurts if I poke it and it's been ten months since I fell over doing a ridiculous Dad style hand stand.  Perhaps there are some things that will always hurt when poked?  Eyes for example.  Nothing wrong with my eyes but they do hurt when poked.  Other parts of me did hurt a lot though.  My back hurt from the pack bumping around.  My thighs and calves hurt everythere.  My knees too.  Oddly, also my elbows hurt from keeping them in that crooked "running but could be about to shadow-box" posture that makes me look so athletically challenged.

The other thing I noticed on Saturday was that other ultra-runners tend to be a little taller than me (not much I can do about that) and generally a little slimmer than me (something I can do about that).  So I am now on a diet.  The first one of my life!  Early views on dieting?  Miserable.  I'm always hungry.  Even writing this I'm thinking that I would find the words much easier to come by if I was eating a Snickers bar.

Thanks for reading folks! Peace, out.

Weight: 78.9 Kg

Distance 9.94 miles
Time  1:51:00 hrs
X-Trainer 0 hrs
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 381.40 miles
Time  71:02:33
X-Trainer 17:41 hrs
Press-ups 620
Swimming 13,000 m
Sauna  7:15 hrs

Contact me:
Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability. Most are treated as ‘different’ however with the right support people with a learning disability can have access to education, jobs and an independent place to live. Mencap works with people with a learning disability to help them live the lives they want.

Be cool and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

1 comment:

  1. A Diet - Wow, I didn't see that one coming mate....out of sympathy I commit to you that i shall visit McDonalds today & will think of you bro.
