Friday, 20 January 2012

Friday 20th January 2012 - Anglesey Ultra Preparation

I wrote a bit yesterday about my preparations for the Anglesey ultra; mostly in terms of what I've bought for it and what I intend to eat.  Today I'll bang on a bit about my approach to it and about what I think will happen.  If anyone is reading this for tips to help their own ultra-marathon experience then you should probably look away now or at least take all this with a pinch of salt (or other electrolyte) because I've never done this before.  My preparation might be fine.  Or it might be recklessly incompetent.  I should have a fair idea which it is by this time tomorrow.

To start my preparation, earlier in the week I began carbo loading.  That is eating lots and lots of carbohydrates at every meal.  So the result is that now, on the eve of the event, I am feeling a bit heavy and sluggish.  But that's no bad thing considering what I face.  Actually, I should be honest with you.  I didn't start carbo loading earlier in the week.  I started carbo-loading in 1976 and now, after 25 years of preparation I should be just about ready.  I've had an early tea tonight of liver, spinach and swede mash. No real science about that, I was in tesco and liked the look of them!

Sleep wise it hasn't been a good week.  In particular last night was a really disturbed night and I have been tired all day.  But I'm not too worried because hopefully that fatigue will allow me to sleep early tonight.  I intend to be in bed by 8pm with lights out by 8:30.  My alarm will be set for 3am so hopefully I can get something over 7 hours tonight. 

As for right now, well once I've finished writing my blog I'll pack my bag.  Then I'll decide that I've packed it wrong and pack it again.  And again.  And again until the final time when I decide to leave it as it is without realising that something crucial has rolled under the sofa and will be missing tomorrow despite my certainty that I packed it.  It is by such events that my life remains continually on edge.  I have my torch batteries charging, my phones charging, and my watch charging.  The Sat Nav is programmed and the car is full of fuel.  I am scarily organised for this!

So, a 3am alarm call tomorrow.  I'll have some Barocca with water to start my hydration off the right way and hit the road for 3:30.  Even with a few inevitible toilet stops this should get me there for about 6am.  Enough time to light my cooker, make some black coffee and be ready to go for registration at 7am.

The race goes off at 8:15.  I haven't found any information about cut off times but I think I will make an initial grab for a 9 hour finish so I come in before the head torch is needed. Assuming the 33 mile distance is correct that makes for an average of about 16:20 mpm.  I intend to walk up the hills and run down them and over the straights.  It's quite an undulating area so I hope that this tactic will give me enough rest.  If not then I will walk some straights too.  I will aim to run around 12 mpm pace; nice and slow and certainly sustainable.  The sections I walk (realistically probably walking most of the last 5 or so miles) will be around 18 mpm on the uphill and 15 mpm on the flat with some run/walking.  I'm estimating 1/3 of the course to be uphill and that would give me 11 miles at 18 mpm, probably 15 at 12 mpm and then probably 7 run/walking at 15 mpm.  The arithmatists amongst you will see that this would bring me in around 8 hours; with an hour spare for toilet stops etc to meet my 9 hour target.  I have a bad feeling that last place beckons but to be honest I don't care.  If I finish it then I have won it in my own mind.

If I get a mobile signal I might tweet some updates as I must carry a phone for safety.  If you're interested in my progress then follow @miffjacobs (or click the follow button on the sidebar - it's easier).  I won't bother with a hashtag because I know I'll forget it so just check my feed.  I have noticed that once I'm beyond about 18 miles my brain starts to become like mush and I can't work out my split times.  It'll be interesting to see what happens to me tomorrow and I probably won't enjoy reading the tweets back on Sunday!

Right then, time I got that bag packed and thought about settling for a very early night.

Keep everything crossed for me to tomorrow folks.  I have a feeling I'll need all the luck I can get!

Peace, out.

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