Thursday, 12 January 2012

Wednesday 11th January 2012 - Back on my toes

I ran tonight.  For the first time since the 17th December I got on my toes and ran.  OK, it was only for half a mile and it was on a treadmill and it was very slow.  But I ran!  I had a few natural twinges and pains but nothing specifically in the area of the torn muscle and nothing that has lingered to the morning (I'm writing this the day after).  I think tonight I will risk taking a mile of my plan and doing it on the treadmill to see how it goes.  If I can get off the elliptical and back on my toes it will do my confidence a lot of good.  For all the nerves I had stepping on the mill; it felt fantastic to be running again!!!

The rest of the workout seems a little irrelevant but I'll relate them anyway.  I started with some core exercises (bridges etc - how boring they are!), then the treadmill for half a mile, then an hour on the elliptical (I finished Lord of the Rings!), 60 lengths in the pool, and finally a quick ten minutes in the sauna to finish off.

On the fundraising front I contacted a couple more newspapers and also one radio station to see about publicity.  Oh, and I asked Mencap for a branded t-shirt to wear when collecting so I look less like some dodgy geezer embezzling fag money from passers by and more like a dedicated and hard working charity fundraiser trying desperately to meet his target!  The fund went up by £35 today.  Thank you Joe and thank you Joanne (great advice about my feet!!).

Peace, out.

Weight: 79.6 Kg

Distance 0.5 miles
Time  0:06 hrs
Elliptical 1:00 hrs
Kcal  0
Press-ups 0
Swimming 1500 m
Sauna  10 mins

Distance 327.91 miles
Time  60:07:06
Elliptical 14:54 hrs
Kcal  34,388
Press-ups 620
Swimming 12,500 m
Sauna  6:20 mins

Contact me:
Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability. Most are treated as ‘different’ however with the right support people with a learning disability can have access to education, jobs and an independent place to live. Mencap works with people with a learning disability to help them live the lives they want.

Be cool and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

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