Friday, 13 January 2012

Thursday 12th January 2012 - Another treadmill test

Total so far: £695.53

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Well I gave my legs another tester on the treadmill.  This time I did a mile at roughly 11 mpm pace.  The good news is that I did it.  The bad news is that I felt some pain in my lower right leg.  I just don't know if this is a sign that the leg is not healed or whether it's just that I haven't run on it for a month and that I'm now stretching around the scar tissue after the muscle tear.  I wasn't limping and the pain wasn't severe and didn't linger long after I finished.  I have a rest day today and I think I will avoid the treadmill at the weekend and stick to the elliptical just to be safe and then next week I'll test it again.  However, I have booked myself a "do or die" challenge the following weekend.  The Anglesey ultra-marathon.  It's a 33 mile off-road course.  I know, I know.  I never was the sharpest pin in the cushion but it's all off road and I intend to walk a lot of it and use it to test my kit out (cooker, dried food, etc).  I will probably have three or four days of complete rest afterwards and see where I am after that.  Keep everything crossed for me!

So anyway, after the mile on the treadmill I did 77 minutes on the elliptical (eqiuvalent to 7 miles at 11mpm) and then went home.  I didn't even shower at the gym because I was worried about my legs so instead I got home and sat in a deep hot bath for a while.  As I write this (7am the following morning) I have no pain and can stand easily on my toes.

On the fundraising front the fund I got another £41 in donations.  Thank you Zoe & Pyme and thank you to the two folks who donated via SMS.  With the uncounted money that is sitting in the collection pot I'm using for leafleting I know I now have over £700 in the total.  Thank you :)

Lastly, I got my photo taken for the Whitchurch Herald.  Hopefully they will feature it in next week's edition.  I made some changes for the photo though after the unflattering one that was in the Leader.  I lost the hat! Fingers crossed that it generates some more sponsorship.  I also sent some text to the "Essentially Yours" magazine and with any luck I'll be in the next edition.  Rest day tomorrow!

Peace, out.

Weight: 79.6 Kg

Distance 1 miles
Time  0:11 hrs
Elliptical 1:17 hrs
Kcal  0
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 328.91 miles
Time  60:18:06
Elliptical 16:11 hrs
Kcal  34,388
Press-ups 620
Swimming 12,500 m
Sauna  6:20 mins

Contact me:
Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability. Most are treated as ‘different’ however with the right support people with a learning disability can have access to education, jobs and an independent place to live. Mencap works with people with a learning disability to help them live the lives they want.

Be cool and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

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