Monday, 6 February 2012

Saturday 28th January 2012 - 13.5 Miles and Town Centre Collection

Total so far: £850.53
Text "MIFF70 £5" (without quotes) to 70070 to donate £5 to Mencap.  Change the amount to whatever you are comfortable with.
Click on the "Donate Now" link in the sidebar or visit

A little late with the blog again.  This was my collection day in Wrexham.  I had originally devised a 30 mile route via Ellesmere and along the canal to Trevor then down the road to Wrexham but when the alarm went off (at 2:30am!) I felt dreadful and decided to lower my target for the day!  And so it was that I set out at 7:30 with 8Kg in my pack and a much shorter run in mind.

I took a slightly unusual route to avoid some of the more scary bits of the A525 and these extra twists and turns down the lanes made the total up to 13.5.  I ran all the way and kept up a reasonable pace, averaging less than 11 minutes per mile.  I'm very conscious that runners reading this will be appalled at how slow I am always, even on short runs.  It's the pack folks.  I blame the pack.  Running with a backpack is a nightmare.  It completely changes your form.  I find myself shuffling along, barely lifting my feet.  Considering how much exercise I do I make for a very un-athletic site plodding down the lanes!

So I made it to Wrexham just before ten o'clock and after a quick freshen up and change in the Tesco toilets I went out and hit the streets for my second collection.  It wasn't as busy as the first time I collected (in November) and my efforts were hugely undermined when some people came out of a shop in fancy dress, giving out balloons and collecting for a different charity.  Oh well, I'm not one given to bitterness and so I did try to be friendly and say hello but hilariously they blanked me at close quarters FOUR times!  The final time they did it (after I'd made eye contact, smiled, and asked how they were getting on) I just started laughing.  Maybe they were intimidated by my fancy-pants council license badge?

Anyway, I combined the day's takings with some money that had been donated when Grace and I were dropping leaflets and also with some loose change I had in my pot at home. It came to £98.99.  We quickly found a 1p piece to make it up to £99 and I'll add the extra pound myself to round it up to £100 paid over to Mencap.  Not bad really given the frustrations of the day and it moves me a little closer to my target.

Thanks for reading folks! Peace, out.

Weight: 78.9 Kg

Distance 13.5 miles
Time  2:25:59 hrs
X-Trainer 0 hrs
Press-ups 0
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  0 mins

Distance 404.02 miles
Time  75:24:21
X-Trainer 17:41 hrs
Press-ups 620
Swimming 13,000 m
Sauna  7:15 hrs

Contact me:
Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP.

There are 1.5 million people in the UK with a learning disability. Most are treated as ‘different’ however with the right support people with a learning disability can have access to education, jobs and an independent place to live. Mencap works with people with a learning disability to help them live the lives they want.

Be cool and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.

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