Thursday, 9 February 2012

Wednesday 8th February 2012 - Loneliness of the Long Distance Fundraiser

I like to keep this blog mostly about running because it's what I love to do.  From the outside the runners experience can seem like a dubious pleasure, full of pain, fatigue, cold, hunger, danger at times!  But it is also incredibly rewarding.  We run through the rain on dark roads with aching limbs and cramping bellies because doing so fills us with a fire and a sense of being alive that the rest of our day sometimes fails to deliver.  All of us runners know that the tough runs of winter build the fitness that will see us stride through the flowering of spring and into the joy of summer with strength and energy.

Running, like life, is full of ups and downs.  Living in hilly North Wales I often feel like my running has more ups than downs, literally.  The other side of my challenge, the fundraising side, also has it's ups and downs.

For every hard run with sore legs that I've done I've spent an equal amount of time trying to raise money for Mencap.  Posing for unflattering photos in the local paper, walking around delivering leaflets, standing in the freezing cold in the town centre rattling a collection tin.  These are tough times and I've been incredibly grateful for every single donation.  To all of you who have sponsored me - thank you.  I truly appreciate every single penny that is donated.

This week I have had my first corporate donations, one from a company called Berendsen who specialist in hygiene and workware products, primarily for the healthcare and hospitality arena; and the other from my mother's employer, Rowan Foods.  I am so grateful for these donations and I hope to gain many more before I set foot in the desert.

In these tough times I am constantly humbled by the generosity of friends and strangers alike.  Thank you.

If you would like to support my efforts and donate money to Mencap then please click on the "donate now" button in the side bar, or use the Text Giving details above to donate directly from your mobile. If you prefer to donate cash or cheque then please contact me at and we can make the arrangements.
Thank you.  Peace, out.

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