Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Hi Honey I'm home!

Hello everyone.

Well, after about six weeks of the non-blogging malarkey I decided to come crawling back to you, with my tail between my legs. Yes, I confess. I have been running around not-blogging here there and everywhere. Having all sorts of not-blogging fun and doing not-blogging things whenever I liked, wherever I liked, and with whoever I liked. All the time shamelessly not-blogging.

This is a pity, since I have had a lot to blog about. I didn’t blog about a 30 mile training hike that culminated in me lying on the ground under a canal bridge at 5am with snow settling on me; excruciating blisters; and a dose of hypothermia. I didn’t blog about a subsequent three week break from running and a rumbling chest ailment that has lasted for over six weeks. I have run twice in New York and not blogged about it. I have had my medicals and my ECG (both passed against all the odds) and have not blogged about them. I have met Andrew Murray – ultra running machine – and not blogged about it. I have broken a bone in my hand and pulled a hamstring and not blogged about either of them. Finally, I have put together my nutrition and my equipment and not blogged about it. I am sorry for being such a bad and unfaithful blogger. If it is any consolation I can assure you that I did not post to any other blogs during this time of self discovery.

Anyway, hopefully I’ll be a little more organised now and get back to my routine of writing about my training and my preparations.

I want to do something specific about my food and about my equipment over the next couple of weeks. I’m waiting for my final items to be sent (some ziplock baggies for food; some new injinji socks for blisters) and then once I have them I will lay them out on something flat and massive and attempt to capture in one widescreen shot all the things that I will then attempt to cram into my little backpack. Wish me luck folks!

Oh, finally, the other thing that I have not been doing while not blogging is collecting money. So, for old time’s sake, here is a little bit of the begging that I know you love. Please please please sponsor me!!! :)

Peace, out.

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