Thursday, 29 March 2012

Thursday 29th March 2012 - 10 sunny miles!

So after the shock this morning of finding out that it's hotter here than it is in the Sahara I figured I might as well take advantage of it and get myself out in the sun for a little loosener.  I did 12.5 miles with a fairly light pack.  It was pretty nice really although my right achilles was really tight and around mile 8 on the way back I feared I might actually do it some damage.  It seems looser now so hopefully it was just one of those quirks that happen from time to time.  I also felt a little wheezy but it's hayfever season for me so that's to be expected.  I'm hoping that the pollen count will be low in the desert!

I also took the opportunity to dive into the tanning salon to put a little more in my skin.  I think that another two sessions (Monday and Wednesday me-thinks) will be enough to send me to Morocco with a tidy base tan and hopefully I'll delay the onset of sunburn for a bit.  Assuming there is actually any sunshine to burn me!

Other activity today; I counted some change that had been generously donated to me and went to the bank to pay that in.  After spending about two hours this morning sorting it out into bags I got there to find they had all torn during the run and all the change was rattling around loose in the bottom of my rucksack.  The young lady working the middle desk in Barclays Whitchurch deserves a special mention and perhaps a "Friendly and Patient Person of the Year" award for quietly and cheerfully helping me count out the hundreds of coins I dumped on the counter.  I did make a point of reading her name plate so I could send in some feedback but having the memory of a goldfish I have forgotten it.

I spent some time sending emails to various large companies again this morning and received some highly efficient rejections from most of them.  But I know that there are some wonderful people out there and it's just a matter of finding them!  I'll be having an early night tonight to prepare for my radio debut in the morning.  Wish me luck folks!  I'll be Calon FM some time between 8:30 and 9:30 tomorrow.  I'm really excited!  And also a little nervous...

Peace, out.

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