Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Tuesday 13th December 2011 - 8 miles slow

After my weekend 20 miler I found I was in no condition to run on Sunday and so I lost another session to injury. Monday was a rest day but I went to the gym and did some core work just to keep some kind of calorie burn going on.

The limping had stopped by this morning so as it was only an 8 miler in the plan I thought I'd risk it.  Big mistake really.  I was in pain on my right shin and calf from the first step to the last. I actually limped as I ran for the first two miles.  Even when I had warmed up I couldn't push my pace any faster then about 10:30 mpm without the pain increasing too much.  The fastest mile I did was mile 6 at 10:24.

The whole run felt like a struggle and I had to push it every inch of the way.  My form was awful because every time I tried to stretch out my legs the impact on my shin and calf was too great to bear. 

I'm writing this on Wednesday and by the time I woke up this morning I once more couldn't put any weight on my right leg without a lot of pain.  I had to take some painkillers just to walk to the shop.  There is no way I can run today and tomorrow I have work commitments that mean I can't run.  Friday is a 'rest day' in my schedule then I'm down for 14 on Saturday and 6 on Sunday.
I think that I will write off this week.  Maybe I'll do the 14 and the 6 at the weekend but perhaps I will reverse the order.  Test myself on the 6 miles on Saturday and see if I'm up to the 14 on Sunday.  One thing is clear though - if I carry on like I am I'll end up missing nearly half of my sessions and the others will hurt a lot!!

I'm going to head to the gym later to do some core work and some sauna and maybe a little swim.  I'll do the same on Friday but other than that I will rest and hope for a good strong recovery.

Peace, out.

Weight: 79.6 Kg

Distance 8.03 miles
Time  1:25:44
Kcal  888
Press-ups 20
Swimming 0 m
Sauna  20 mins

Distance 299.66 miles
Time  52:00:27
Kcal  32,259
Press-ups 400
Swimming 8000 m
Sauna  3:55 mins

The fund is at £481.53. 
If you haven't already donated then take a look at and help the wonderful work of MENCAP.  Thank you so much to everyone who has sponsored already. I respect and love you all!!! 

Remember that you can now donate by sending a text to 70070 saying (without quotes) "MIFF70 £5" but replacing the £5 with any amount you wish to donate.  I've tested it to make sure it works and it's EASY EASY EASY!!!  Try it!

Feel free to contact me with any fundraising ideas you have.  You can email me at:

Please remember that I'm inflicting all this pain and misery on myself for a cause greater than just having a good story to tell over a beer. I hope to raise over £9,500 for MENCAP; an amazing charity who help those born with learning difficulties to live a normal life and to enjoy the same opportunities and choices that the rest of us take for granted.

Be an awesome human being today and click on the link below and help make someone's life better.
Thank you.  You really ARE awesome.

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