Monday, 30 September 2013

Saturday 28th September 2013 - Estuary Welsh

Saturday night is alright for drinking.  At least this one was because I'd had a night out arranged for ages and was intending to put aside my monastry lifestyle for a few hours and get mullered.  YOLO and all that. 

Of course a man of my years oughtn't be exerting himself when affected by the demon drink and so my long run was pulled forward to Saturday morning instead of Sunday. And a jolly good idea it was too because the conditions were just beautiful!  Broken sunshine, cool refreshing breeze, a lovely route planned along the waterside in Hull; ducks lined up nicely for a thoroughly pleasant time!  Not literally you understand.  I've not seen many ducks in the Humber to be fair although there may be some somewhere.  I digress.

Another experiment I'm trying is to base all my running (and cycling) on time instead of distance.  I'm told it's all the rage in iron distance triathlon circles.  So rather than set out for an eleven mile run, I set out for a two hour run and just let the distance take care of itself.  Combined with my new found HR obsession it meant I really had no idea of the pace I'd run nor the distance.  As it happened I maintained an average of just over 11 mins per mile at an average HR of 122.  Given that I stopped for the loo a few times (child's bladder) and to take photos a few times my actual running speed was probably a fraction under 11.  This is still way slower than I'm comfortable with but I need to stick with it to get the benefits I guess.

Apart from some blisters that my striking (lime green) new Nevica trail shoes have given me, I finished feeling incredibly fresh.  I really think that with a bit of food I could have continued for at least another hour at that pace but there's no point in rushing things.  I'm sure the training will get more challenging as I start to focus in on some intermediate goals and push things a little harder.

Next stop, swimming on Monday.  Oh, I took Friday and Sunday as rest day's - tired legs; hangover; etc.

Peace, out.

Run Distance: 11.11 miles
Swimming: 0 m
Cycling: 0 miles 
Hiking: 0 miles
Workout time:  2:04 hrs
Core workouts:0
Stretching workouts: 0

Run Distance: 28.36 miles
Swimming: 5850 m
Cycling: 75.8 miles 
Hiking: 6 miles
Workout time:  17:07 hrs
Core workouts: 2
Stretching workouts: 6

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