Thursday, 26 September 2013

25th September 2013 - Swimming

Swimming day today.  Grace and I hit the pool in Oswestry and despite feeling tired almost immediately (the first ten lengths were a struggle!) I managed to eek out the required 80 lengths. 

I'm getting used to this breathing both sides malarky and I started experimenting with the 'thumb to thigh' drill that I'll be introducing next.  The purpose of this drill is to train me to take a full stroke each time and not to withdraw my arm too early from the water.  My first impressions were that I need more strength in my arms in order to get the full 'kick' from the stroke but I know that will come. 

I got some cramp in my calves after about 65 lengths but I stretched it out and kept going for the full 80.  After I finished I chilled out in the kids pool (which is considerably warmer!) and did my daily stretching. 

All told a good, solid, day's Iron Man training.

Peace, out.

Run Distance: 0 miles
Swimming: 2000 m
Cycling: 0 miles 
Hiking: 0 miles
Workout time:  1:30 hrs
Core workouts:0
Stretching workouts: 1

Run Distance: 17.25 miles
Swimming: 5850 m
Cycling: 59:36 miles 
Hiking: 6 miles
Workout time:  13:53 hrs
Core workouts: 2
Stretching workouts: 5

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