Thursday, 19 September 2013

Thursday 19th September 2013 - Your inflexible friend

I started today with some press-ups.  I've got a half-hearted ambition of completing the hundred push ups challenge.  I took the test the other day and did 26 press-ups straight up.  This let me skip straight to week 3 of the challenge and I followed the plan of doing reps of 14, 18, 14, 14, and finally 20 to finish.  It sounds good to say I did 80 press ups today.  The reality was pretty unimpressive as I heaved and sweated barely lifting my nose off the carpet by the end.  Still, who cares about reality as long I can create an illusion of fitness!

I followed up the press-up-fest with some plank work to try to build up my core.  I think they are called planks but I have a nagging voice in my head that says they are called 'bridge' exercises.  Anyway, I digress.  Basically the problem I have is that my middle needs a lot of attention (ooh err) and every time I do these core strength exercises I shake and vibrate like a ringing phone.  Despite all that I actually enjoy them.  They really hit your stomach muscles and the side-plank one makes me think that one day I might lose that roll of fat and finally start to look a bit more like the guys on the front of Men's Health magazine.

Running wise I did a little over an hour of down in HR zone two (sub 126 bpm for me).  It's still devilishly tricky to stay below that rate and my movement feels cumbersome and far too slow.  However I'm determined to persevere with it.  I made some improvement over Monday's run and averaged 11:30 minute miles.

I finished the night with some stretches.  I used this routine (below) and learned in the process that I am about as flexible as a block of granite.  Years of running and cycling without stretching have taken their toll and now I have a horrible flex-deficit.  I'm bendily challenged.  I'll never be as flexible as the woman in this video but it would be nice to touch my toes again one day!

That's it for tonight.  Peace, out


Run Distance: 6.22 miles
Swimming: 0 m
Cycling: 0 miles 
Hiking: 0 miles
Workout time:  1:30 hrs
Core workouts:1
Stretching workouts: 1

Run Distance: 11.03 miles
Swimming: 1850 m
Cycling: 14:36 miles 
Hiking: 6 miles
Workout time:  6:23 hrs
Core workouts: 2
Stretching workouts: 1

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