Thursday, 26 September 2013

26th September 2013 - 16 miles on the bike

Back on the bike today after a few days off it since the Palace to Palace ride at the weekend.  I'd been tinkering with the gears (thank you You Tube for showing me how they work) and I got the benefit tonight; they were whirring and clicking up a storm and weren't making any of the crunching angry noises they had done in the past.  I was even able to use my small front cog for the first time in ages.  Oh boy, the hills are a LOT easier if you can get into that lower set of gears!

It was a fun ride, out to St Martins, then down the main road to Gobowen and back to Ellesmere by some back lanes marked out with ROUTE 21 signs.  I've no idea what this signifies but the first sign had Ellesmere written on it and indeed, that's where I ended up.  Lesson for the day.  Trust the road signs.  Except this one... BBC News.

As for my own performance, I paced myself by HR and did much better this time, averaging 13.5 mph at an ave HR of 121.  Although my legs are a bit tired, my HR recovered within minutes of finishing the ride and by around 5 minutes after getting home I was moving around as if the ride had never happened.  Very gratifying!

Run Distance: 0 miles
Swimming: 0 m
Cycling: 16.44 miles 
Hiking: 0 miles
Workout time:  1:10 hrs
Core workouts:0
Stretching workouts: 1

Run Distance: 17.25 miles
Swimming: 5850 m
Cycling: 75.8 miles 
Hiking: 6 miles
Workout time:  15:03 hrs
Core workouts: 2
Stretching workouts: 6

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