Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Monday 30th September 2013 - To sleep, perchance to swim

Uurrgghh... tough shift today.  It was a swimming day but boy oh boy my body did NOT want to play. The aftermath of Saturday's alcohol and a few late nights and early mornings left me feeling really lethargic and tired.

I got into the pool and swam two lengths and had to stop for a rest.  Not really Iron Man form!  I tried the thigh-to-thumb drill and it made a big difference.  Sadly the difference it made was to make me twice as tired as I normally am. To be fair though it did also make me swim a bit faster so that's a plus.  I managed to keep that up for maybe the first 10 or 15 lengths but after that I had to switch back to my old, ugly, style because I was just too tired.

Somehow I managed to splash and grunt my way through 60 lengths.  Goodness only knows how because after the first couple of minutes I wouldn't have bet on making 6, let alone 60.  I trudged out of the pool feeling empty and sore.

One thing I definitely know is I NEED SLEEP!!!

Peace, out.

Run Distance: 0 miles
Swimming: 1500 m
Cycling: 0 miles 
Hiking: 0 miles
Workout time:  1:10 hrs
Core workouts:0

Run Distance: 28.36 miles
Swimming: 7350 m
Cycling: 75.8 miles 
Hiking: 6 miles
Workout time:  18:17 hrs
Core workouts: 2
Stretching workouts: 6

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