Thursday, 3 October 2013

Tuesday 1st October 2013 - Night rider

Another hike to and from the garage while my car proves its neediness, demanding more and more repairs.  It now seems that I will soon have spent more money repairing the car than I did to buy it in the first place.  The V5 arrived in the post with the words BUYER BEWARE in big letters on it.  Indeed.

Anyway, the car issue helped put another six miles on the training record and got my heart pumping a little before a day in the office dropped it to about 20 beats per minute.  Hibernation in plain sight.

After work I jumped on the bike and did a quick hour long circuit at about 122 bpm, although the HR average doesn't tell the whole story because I went up a hill that took my HR up to about 165bpm and it stayed over my target range for the best part of 20 minutes.  No matter what I did I couldn't bring it down without slowing my cycling to a snail's pace.  Eventually I recovered though and got back into a bit of a flow towards the end.  My average speed was 13.7 mph which is fractionally quicker than my previous average speed at that HR.  To be honest though I'm surprised it wasn't a lot slower because the hill killed me and I had to go at a snail's pace for a while after to recover.

I think the fact that I was cycling in the dark may have made a difference to my HR too.  It's surprisingly nerve wracking to cycle at night no matter how many lights you have!

Peace, out.

Run Distance: 0 miles
Swimming: 0 m
Cycling: 14.33 miles 
Hiking: 6 miles
Workout time:  3 hrs
Core workouts:0

Run Distance: 28.36 miles
Swimming: 7350 m
Cycling: 90.13 miles 
Hiking: 12 miles
Workout time:  21:17 hrs
Core workouts: 2

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